Smart Camera

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Machine Vision for everyone:
Simple. Fast. Everywhere.

All you need is the evoVIU Edge Camera. It also comes with user-friendly, individually configurable software that you can operate effortlessly from any end device.
This enables uncomplicated Machine Vision in every application – whether for SMEs or large corporations.


Find your perfect
evoVIU Smart Camera

evoVIU, Smart Camera, Lösungskonfigurator

Every application is unique, so choosing the right camera is crucial. To help you find the ideal camera for your individual application, you can use our VIU Finder.

Work your way through the specific questions about your environment and your property and our experts will send you a non-binding proposal.

Finally take your image processing
into your own hands

Unabhängige Lösung

Independent solution

evoVIU, Schnelle Integration

Fast integration

evoVIU, Offene Frameworks

Open frameworks

evoVIU, für jede Branche

For every Industry

evoVIU, Alles aus einer Hand

Everything from one source

evoVIU, no code workflow

No Code Workflow


Code Erkennung

Maximale Genauigkeit, garantiert.

QR-Codes, Barcodes, Lasercodes und mehr
Präzise Ausleseraten über 95%
Mehr Effizienz in Ihrem Produktionsprozess
Label auslesen scaled


Alles an Ort und Stelle, immer.

Verwaltungsaufwand reduzieren
Schnelle Handlungsmöglichkeiten
Individuell an jeden Use Case anpassbar
Vollstaendigkeitspruefung scaled


Makellose Blechqualität, permanent.

Ausschuss reduzieren, Kosten sparen
Höchste Qualität gewährleisten
Subtile Defekte wie Necking erkennen
Risserkennung scaled


Akkurat bis ins kleinste Detail

Defekte erkennen
Schnell auf Mängel reagieren
Qualität sicherstellen
Objekterkennung scaled

Fingerprint Test

Präzise, bei einzigartigen Mustern

Materialien markierungsfrei rückverfolgen
Höchste Genauigkeit auf allen Oberflächen
Abweichungen sofort erkennen
Fingerprintpruefung scaled

Paket Tracking

Immer den Überblick behalten, jederzeit.

Aktuelle Lieferkette kontrollieren
Automatisiertes Tracking für maximale Effizienz
Skalierbare Lösungen für jeden Logistikprozess
Pakettracking scaled


Lagerfläche optimal nutzen

Verfügbare Flächen überprüfen
Stabilität gewährleisten
Palettenverwaltung effizient lösen
Stapelpruefung scaled


Für mehr Sicherheit und Effizienz

Verfügbare Flächen optimal nutzen
Schnell auf Sicherheitsrisiken reagieren
Lagerhaltungskosten einsparen
Laderaumpruefung scaled


Die Dimensionen im Visier

Qualität effizient sichern
Produktionsgenauigkeit gewährleisten
Vom Millimeter- bis zum Meterbereich
Groessenmessung scaled

Smart City

Die Stadt von Morgen

Parkplätze und Parkleitsystem modernisieren
Verkehrsflüsse visualisieren
Städtische und Kommunale Digitalisierung vorantreiben
Smart City scaled
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Every application is unique, so choosing the right camera is crucial. To help you find the ideal camera for your individual application, you can use our VIU Finder.

Work your way through the specific questions about your environment and your property and discover your perfect evoVIU.

evoVIU, Smart Camera, Lösungskonfigurator


This is a legitimate question, but you should not base your camera decision on the manufacturer, but rather on the solution you want to achieve.

With evoVIU, you get a fully flexible and very compact camera system that you can install in places where there is little space for other peripherals. evoVIU is designed so that you only need to connect the supply and the network and from then on you can implement your solution independently, partially integrated or completely by us.

With evoVIU, you immediately buy the software in the hardware, which is already available on the camera, similar to the smartphone, i.e. no cumbersome license systems or subscription models. Everything is combined in one fixed price.

With evoVIU, you have the option of image acquisition, Machine Vision, results control and visualization in a single system. Use evoVIU not only as a smart camera, but also as a visualization system for your employees by accessing the dashboard directly from the camera.

With evoVIU, you finally have full flexibility in data connection. Our highly flexible and yet very easy-to-use NoCode workflow editor makes it possible to easily implement modern data connections in the program and thus connect different infrastructures with each other via a camera. Be it to fetch and write data from a PLC and at the same time exchange data from other infrastructures via MQTT, HTTP, Kafka, OPC UA, TCP and many more. So we are a camera and IoT edge device in one.

With evoVIU, you have the opportunity to incorporate your own ideas and implementations directly into product development. Our “open-for-everything” mentality means that product-relevant requests can be added directly to the developer backlog at any time and soon be experienced on camera.

With evoVIU, we support you with your image processing solution and don’t make it look like a black box to you. You yourself should be able to make changes if your variant changes or if you have additional ideas or wishes for your program. We explain how the solution is set up, give tips on strategy and are happy to help you implement the integration directly on your premises.

So you see, we are not just a camera supplier, we are a technology-proven team that has everything under control, can implement impulses completely independently and freely, and can realize the complete integration with the many years of experience of evopro systems engineering AG and the power of the Bertrandt Group.

Oh sorry, yes of course, evoVIU is

  • a fully flexible, compact, robust camera system

  • an all-in-one solution consisting of hardware and software

  • not only a smart camera, but also a visualization system

  • Accessible everywhere

  • Designed for automated systems and manual workstations

  • Camera and IoT device in one

  • Ready for training sets and artificial intelligence

  • Easy to use

  • Updateable

  • Plug-in compatible

  • We are your companion for all questions relating to Machine Vision

  • Camera manufacturer, integrator and supporter

In any case, you should get in touch with us. We at evoVIU take up all problems at any time and without obligation. We decide for ourselves whether we can offer a better alternative to the solutions we have used to date. But before we bring our camera into play, let’s first have our Machine Vision take a look at the existing solution so that we can tell you, as a first step, whether you can still achieve a satisfactory result with the existing solution. If so, our Machine Vision will support you with the implementation, no matter which system you use – because we know you all. We will then check whether we can offer a better alternative with evoVIU.

The question you need to ask yourself is what you want to achieve. If you want to achieve 99.5% security with a very individual solution, it will probably be very difficult, but feasible. You must always keep in mind that the first 80% can be achieved quickly, the next 15% can be adjusted with effort and the last 5% means the effort time of the first 95%. But here it’s up to you how you design it. If you were to buy a BV system with a medium degree of individuality, market prices of around €50,000 with a rate of 99.5% are currently common. Now you can consider whether you need the 99.5% yourself or whether 80% could also be sufficient.

How reliable the results are depends on the image processing task and whether a standard solution or a customized solution is required. For customized solutions, we guarantee a selection rate of >97%; for standard solutions, this can be significantly higher.

No. The system can also be used even if you have no programming knowledge or experience in the development of image processing algorithms. It is important that you know what your result looks like and how you want to get there.

Take a look at our store, which will be available for you from the beginning of April. You can also use our solution generator to send a request for a customized solution.

Not much, actually. As soon as the camera is in your home, you can install it straight away. All you need is:

  • a 24V supply via an A-coded 5-pin M12 cable

  • a network socket

From the VIU2 upwards, you can even supply the camera directly via PoE and connect a hardware trigger via the 24V connections without an additional power supply.

We also recommend our quick coupler for mechanical integration. This enables the camera to be securely mounted using the ball head solution and replaced for maintenance work.

No, we are completely browser-based. This means you only need a laptop, tablet, cell phone or AR glasses with Chrome, Firefox or Edge browser and you’re ready to go.

Not really, you just need to make sure that the evoVIU has a connection to your cloud endpoint. The best way to do this is to talk to your IT department. Otherwise, you only need to decide on one solution, be it AWS, Azure or Google Drive.

We have an open ONNX interpreter that can implement various networks used on the Neural Processing Unit with 2.3TOPS. In general, it is not possible to train networks on our evoVIU, we are not designed for this, but we can integrate and implement special networks set up for customer projects in the camera. We would be happy to talk to you about your “bring your own model” concept.

The following steps are standard:

  1. Recording of the inquiry and initial technical discussion, alternatively you can also use our solution generator.
  2. Initial telephone consultation and preparation of a non-binding concept. If necessary, we can visit you on site or you can send us your sample parts
  3. Presentation of the concept and submission of an individual offer
  4. Preparation and integration of the system into your infrastructure, with subsequent recording of image material
  5. Evaluation, optimization of the image material and implementation of the solution strategy
  6. Importing the flow and evaluating it, iterative improvement until the desired target value is reached
  7. Submission of documentation, training of employees
  8. After-sales service

The camera can be updated with new software whenever necessary. This can be done directly via the user interface, online and offline. At the moment, everyone still gets an update when they need and want it. We are constantly developing our software and are always offering new and useful features. We are 100% upwards compatible.

That is our goal, because ultimately you should be in control of your own solution and not be dependent on others. We will show you how and what you can change. You can duplicate existing programs and make adjustments yourself at any time.

Spare parts for the evoVIU can be reordered at any time. As we assemble the camera completely in-house, there is no time limit for reordering.

Yes of course, on the one hand we are slowly building up small video sequences on Youtube and other platforms for self-training, on the other hand we are happy to offer a monthly open training session for which you can register. Individual training for your own solution is possible at any time and can be requested from us.

evoVIU Smart Camera, Termin vereinbaren

Are you ready?

We support your company in optimizing your processes. Let’s talk about your individual image processing system without obligation.


Optimize processes: Transformation through modern image processing


10:00 a.m.