evoVIU Smart camera in front of the camera
Shoot with us about the smart camera evoVIU

To make the possibilities of the evoVIU even more tangible, we thought of making a few short films about the evoVIU. The aim is to show how the smart camera can be used, what major advantages it offers and what it can support. Because pictures say more than 1000 words!
In our first film, we show how simple it is to start up an evoVIU and how easy it is to access the camera’s interface directly afterwards. The camera is always accessible – no matter where its users are. No installation is required for the application, it is enough to enter the address of the camera into a browser and image capture can be started. For access, you need either an Ethernet or WLAN connection or direct access via the camera’s access point.
But now, enough told. Film off!
You liked the video? Feel free to leave us a thumbs up and subscribe to our youtube channel. Soon, new videos with and about the evoVIU smart camera will be released. Stay tuned!
Other contributions:

Release Update V7.1.0
The update at the start of the year. New nodes expand the workflow portfolio.

Release Update V6.3.0
This release was mainly concerned with performance and stability improvements.

Live webinar: REST, MQTT, TCP & Co
In our next webinar, we will show you how to integrate the evoVIU Smart Camera into modern systems without any programming effort and with an intuitive web interface. Thanks to modern interfaces!