Release Update 4.14.0

New software version for the evoVIU


  • New Nodes
    • Onnx Image Infetence
    • Onnx Image Inference Evaluate Code Results
  • Workflow:
    • Duplicate Function
    • Database Export


  • Workflow
    • Slider items instead of inputs
    • Delete Node with Shortcut
    • Add Node with Double Click
    • Valuidate Node Settings
  • UX
    • Typed creation of connections
    • Arrangement of the chips according to the occurrence of the section from top to bottom
    • Customization of the evoTrQ Connection UI display
    • Integrate workflow in landing page
    • Revision of the Custom Routine Stream Control Bar
    • Integration of Empty state in Custom routine when there is no Image Source


  • Camera-Driver is now Singleton
  • Update mechanism for input fields
  • Image in details display no longer disappears
  • Resolution of IP Address as Bookmark works correctly
  • Show missing bookamarks
  • Edit-Button for Viewer diabled

Versions and patches can be requested from now on.

Required for the update:

OS > 4.4.0

OS < 4.4.3: additional patch installation required


Optimize processes: Transformation through modern image processing


10:00 a.m.