Release Update 4.11.0

New software version for the evoVIU


  • Time synchronization
  • Upload Nodes to Azure Cloud
  • Value APIs to Engine
  • Import and export workflows
  • Inline Editing in Workflow Table


  • Add Events to Empty Workflow Component
  • Refactoring
  • Customization of Tables
  • Unify configuration actions
  • New Interfaces for Nodes
  • Better Change Detection for Flash Image Source
  • P2P Test Opportunities for Date&Time Page
  • Add Workflow Button
  • Refactoring Initial Node Action


  • Activation Workflow during bootup
  • Node loses API key
  • Connection secret
  • Settings Advanced Information not shown
  • no redirect when unknown Worflow
  • Connection any to not working
  • edit button not clickable
  • avoid overlay of delete button
  • Improve Conenctuin
  • Duplicate Workflow not taking Nodes
  • File Ending cannot be empty
  • Settings incomplete
  • Flash Image Source not possible to start
  • Interfaces incorrect

Versions and patches can be requested from now on.

Required for the update:

OS > 4.4.0

OS < 4.4.3: additional patch installation required


Optimize processes: Transformation through modern image processing


10:00 a.m.