Smart Camera vs Smart Home Camera

What is the difference?

There are estimates that Germany’s households will use more than four times as many smart home applications by 2025 as they will in 2020. For example, in 2020, there were about 2.9 million households that installed smart applications for building security. By 2025, this figure is expected to reach 12.2 million. A popular way to make one’s home more secure is to install a smart home camera.

So while the smart home camera is gaining in popularity and finding its place in many households, there is a counterpart with a similar name for the industry: the smart camera. Due to the fact that the two terms – smart camera and smart home camera – are very similar, confusion sometimes arises here. For example, googling for a smart camera to consider for your business often lands you on smart home camera models. For this reason, we want to clear things up here in this article and differentiate between the terms.

How does a smart home camera work?

Smart home cameras record what’s happening around your house non-stop – just like standard surveillance cameras. This way, in the event of a burglary or vandalism attack, you can convict the perpetrator if necessary. But the use cases of a smart home camera go beyond that. They can also be installed indoors to ensure that pets, small children or people in need of care are well.

The smart home camera also goes further than a conventional surveillance camera. The word “smart” gives it away: The device is connected to the Internet and the images can be called up online at any time. Depending on the model, a wide variety of setting and optimization options can be realized here. Whether you want the camera to record continuously or only when there is movement in a particular corner is up to you. The whole thing can be controlled quickly and easily via a smartphone, tablet or laptop.

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What is the difference between a smart home camera and a smart camera?

Since the designation of the two devices is very similar, confusion sometimes occurs here. However, the smart camera differs from the smart home camera in very many ways. While the smart home camera is mainly used for monitoring one’s own home, the smart camera finds its field of application – as mentioned – mainly in industry. In the process, a smart camera processes and analyzes the data provided by the images. In this way, the color of an apple can be determined from the image. If, when checking a large number of apples, it is found that one of them is not red but brown, it can be sorted out. This type of quality control is a common use case for industrial smart cameras like the evoVIU. They can usually perform better than humans at dull tasks through complex machine vision.

The use cases go far beyond this, but the example is intended to illustrate that smart cameras, in contrast to smart home cameras, are not used to simply capture images, but to process data from the images.

Do smart camera and smart home camera have anything in common at all?

Admittedly, except for the matching components of the name and the fact that both devices belong to the camera type, not really. If you need a smart camera, a smart home camera won’t help you much, and vice versa is probably similar. The cameras are designed for completely different purposes, which is why users better pay attention to the correct designation when choosing the right camera.

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