evoVIU Dokumentation

< Alle Themen

In this chapter you will learn what you can use the File Manager for and which functions are offered to you.

1. overview

file manager

On the left side you will see all current folders and below them individual files that are not in a folder. On the right side you can see the files in the folders.

2. saving files


By clicking the plus icon you can add files to the folders.

speicher button

If you click on the save icon in the Image Source, your image will be saved directly in the File Manager in a folder named Image Source.

3. use of the files

ornder file

If you want to access the files in another place of the application, you can click the folder icon in appropriate places.

dialog file

A dialog will open that allows you to upload either an entire folder or a file. Depending on where you want to access a file. In the upper left corner you can see what kind of file is expected. On the bottom left you have the possibility to add more files or folders to the File Manager and select them directly.



Optimize processes: Transformation through modern image processing


10:00 a.m.