evoVIU Dokumentation
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General & Safety
#VIU2 Lenses
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#VIU2 Communication & Supply
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#VIU2 Technical data
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Display VIU2
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#VIU2 image sensor
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This chapter provides general information about this user manual and the evoVIU camera.
1. Information about this manual
- The following instructions apply only to the evoVIU RC2 product series.
- The manual is available online or directly on the camera via *IP address*/docs.
- These instructions enable safe handling of the product.
- Over the lifetime of the camera, this manual will be part of the online database or available via the camera itself. When the camera is updated, the documentation is also updated automatically.
- For commissioning and use, the national health and safety regulations as well as the local accident prevention regulations must be observed.
2. Explanation of Symbols
The following signal words are used in the product documentation to warn of risk and danger.
indicates an immediate hazard with a high risk that will result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
indicates a possible hazard with medium risk, which can result in death or (slight to severe) physical injury if not avoided.
indicates the possibility of incorrect operation, which may result in damage to the product.
These signal words correspond to the usual definition for civil applications in the European Economic Area. Other definitions may exist in other economic areas. It must therefore be ensured that the signal words described here are always used only in conjunction with the associated product documentation and only in conjunction with the associated product. The use of signal words in connection with non-related products or non-related documentation can lead to misinterpretation and thus to personal injury or damage to property.
3. Limitation of Liability
- The product was developed taking into account the state of the art and the applicable standards and directives. We reserve the right to make technical changes.
- Liability on the part of evopro systems engineering AG (hereinafter referred to as “evopro”) is excluded in the following cases:
- Failure to follow the instructions,
- Non-intended use of the product,
- Use of untrained personnel,
- Use of non-approved spare parts,
- Unauthorized modification of products.
- evopro assumes no liability with regard to the pictures taken with the smart camera. The user of the camera must ensure that the personal rights of any person are not endangered by the use of the camera.
- These operating instructions do not contain any assurances from evopro with regard to described procedures or specific product characteristics.
- evopro accepts no liability with regard to printing errors or other inaccuracies contained in these operating instructions unless it can be proven that evopro was aware of the errors at the time the operating instructions were prepared.
4. Copyright Protection
- The contents of this manual are protected by copyright.
- All rights are the exclusive property of evopro systems engineering AG.
- Without the written consent of evopro, the commercial reproduction or other commercial use of the content and information provided, in particular of graphics or images, is not permitted.